The HLAA Mission Statement
Our mission is to open up the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support, and advocacy.

Hearing Loss Association of America-Chester County Chapter (HLAA-Chesco) is a chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) based in Bethesda, Maryland. Their website is
Our primary purpose is to educate ourselves, our families, friends, coworkers, teachers, hearing health care providers, industry, government, and others about hearing loss.
HLAA provides adults and children with tools for self help; sensitizes the general population about the special needs of people who are hard of hearing; and promotes understanding of the nature, causes, complications, and remedies of hearing loss.
We provide information on many aspects of hearing loss, from technological and medical advances to coping and parenting strategies.
We want to help you become an informed consumer on what options are available to you to help you make the best decisions on how to deal with hearing loss.
HLAA believes people with hearing loss can help themselves and one another to participate fully and successfully in society. HLAA promotes self-confidence and empowers individuals with skills to improve their lives.

Hearing Loss Association of America-Chester County Chapter (HLAA-Chesco) is a chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) based in Bethesda, Maryland. Their website is
Our primary purpose is to educate ourselves, our families, friends, coworkers, teachers, hearing health care providers, industry, government, and others about hearing loss.
HLAA provides adults and children with tools for self help; sensitizes the general population about the special needs of people who are hard of hearing; and promotes understanding of the nature, causes, complications, and remedies of hearing loss.
We provide information on many aspects of hearing loss, from technological and medical advances to coping and parenting strategies.
We want to help you become an informed consumer on what options are available to you to help you make the best decisions on how to deal with hearing loss.
HLAA believes people with hearing loss can help themselves and one another to participate fully and successfully in society. HLAA promotes self-confidence and empowers individuals with skills to improve their lives.

Our History & Goal.

Hearing Loss Association of America-Chester County Chapter (HLAA-Chesco) is a chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) based in Bethesda, Maryland. Their website is
Our primary purpose is to educate ourselves, our families, friends, coworkers, teachers, hearing health care providers, industry, government, and others about hearing loss.
HLAA provides adults and children with tools for self help; sensitizes the general population about the special needs of people who are hard of hearing; and promotes understanding of the nature, causes, complications, and remedies of hearing loss.
We provide information on many aspects of hearing loss, from technological and medical advances to coping and parenting strategies.
We want to help you become an informed consumer on what options are available to you to help you make the best decisions on how to deal with hearing loss.
HLAA believes people with hearing loss can help themselves and one another to participate fully and successfully in society. HLAA promotes self-confidence and empowers individuals with skills to improve their lives.

2025 Chapter Focus & Initiatives

2025 Chapter Focus & Initiatives

“Our mission is to open up the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support, and advocacy”

“Our mission is to open up the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support, and advocacy”

Community Awareness & Digital Footprint

  • Chesco Chapter Website-new design pending

  • Help4Hearing Website-pending

    • Chester County Community Resource Database (ReferWeb)?

    • Social Media platforms (Facebook, etc.)

    • Chapter Awareness Campaign

Subscriber Support

  • Chesco News & Views Newsletter

  • Open Caption Weekly Movies

  • Meetings & Event Programs

  • Hearing Friendly Restaurants App-pending

  • Convention Delegate Grant 

Outreach & Education

  • Community Event Programs

  • The Chesco Library Project

  • The Mortimer Bauer Scholarship Award

  • Impact of Hearing Loss on Daily Life-News

Regional Hearing Health Focus

  • The Help4Hearing Project

  • The SE-PA Annual Conference

  • The PA Walk4Hearing


Activities & Initiatives

  • Technology & Education

    • Personal Captioning Technology Training

    • You Tube videos-pending

  • Annual Social Events

  • Grant Funding Support

  • Communication Development Program-ongoing

Membership Fact I:
HLAA national members are part of an organization with a mission to provide information, support and advocacy to people with hearing loss. 
Membership Fact II:
HLAA national members have access to Hearing Life Magazine, a helpful resource on the latest in technology, medical issues, legislation, personal stories, and more. 
Membership Fact III:
HLAA offers complimentary HLAA Membership for Veterans (new members only).

Membership Fact III:

Membership Fact III:
Membership Fact III:

HLAA offers complimentary HLAA Membership for Veterans (new members only).

Membership Fact I:

Membership Fact I:
Membership Fact I:

HLAA national members are part of an organization with a mission to provide information, support and advocacy to people with hearing loss. 

Membership Fact II:

HLAA national members have access to Hearing Life Magazine, a helpful resource on the latest in technology, medical issues, legislation, personal stories, and more. 

Membership Fact II:
HLAA national members have access to Hearing Life Magazine, a helpful resource on the latest in technology, medical issues, legislation, personal stories, and more. 

Membership Fact II:

HLAA national members have access to Hearing Life Magazine, a helpful resource on the latest in technology, medical issues, legislation, personal stories, and more. 

Look out for upcoming Wellness Events!

Look out for upcoming Wellness Events!


In-person events to connect with one another .

March 13th

April 10th

May 8th

"Other events"

Look at our calendar to stay informed on the latest!

Get updated by subscribing

to our newsletter

Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

Join the Conversation

Please visit our Facebook

page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

Get updated by subscribing

to our newsletter

Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

Join the Conversation

Please visit our Facebook

page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

Get updated by subscribing

to our newsletter

Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

Join the Conversation

Please visit our Facebook

page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA


Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371, West Chester, PA 19380

Get updated by subscribing

to our newsletter

Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

Join the Conversation

Please visit our Facebook

page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380